Kyte Baby Sleep Sack Review

Today, we’re talking about sleep sacks (aka wearable blankets). The AAP recommends against using loose blankets in your baby’s crib for the first year or so of life. Wearable blankets are positioned as the safer alternative. My family uses Kye Baby’s, here’s my review.

Look + Feel

Soft Materials

Starting off with the obvious, the Kyte Baby branding is centered around producing their products using a soft bamboo material. The fibers of bamboo produce a gentle breathable fabric called rayon, that adapts to a variety of temperature and humidity level conditions. There is an environmental aspect to using bamboo as well, since bamboo is a type of grass opposed to a tree it’s harvested in such a way that does not require replanting, tractors, fertilizers, or pesticides. Bamboo also minimizes CO2 and generates 35% more oxygen than trees. Go green.


Outside of the feel, Kyte Baby offers a variety of patterns, prints and colors for their sleep sacks. The designs are cute, reasonably in stock, and align to a plethora of tastes.

Technical Aspects

This brand offers 3 TOG options for their sleep sacks. TOG stands for Thermal Overall Grade, it represents a measurement of the warmth of a garment. The higher the number the warmer the product. Babies, especially newborns sometimes have trouble regulating their temperatures, products like these provide aid.

2-way zipper

This product also comes equipped with a 2-way zipper, you’ve got a pull tab and slider at the top of the garment and at the bottom and they zip up and down the chain in both directions. This is especially useful in the scenario of needing to zip up to change your baby without completely removing them from the garment or needing to zip down to remove them from the sack after a spit-up.


To briefly touch on the bamboo material again, the fabric being so soft and smooth makes logical sense to reduce irritation and friction with the skin.


Price Point

I can see price point as being a con, these guys range from $50-$60 bucks depending on the TOG grade you select. If you get the one with the swaddle it’s even more.

Don’t Put In Dryer

Due to the bamboo fabric, it’s not recommended to throw these things in the dryer. So if you want to maintain the integrity of the material, follow the wash instructions. I put this as a con because I hate laundry as it is, this is just an extra thing I have to remember. In my moments of weakness (or forgetfulness), I have thrown some of the onesies in the dryer, once you do that it’s kind of a wrap. They don’t feel completely horrible but they do feel different and less nice. I’ve been great about not doing that to the sleep sack because of how much they cost.

That’s all I got, thanks for reading. Until next time 👋

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